Thursday, April 3, 2008

BTR Sewing Partner

I received my partner for the Bend the Rules Sewing Swap I joined. I am so excited to start Amy Karol's Pleated Beauty Bag. I can tell from visiting my partner's blog page that we share many things in common--which hopefully will help me create something for her that she will like. I have a month and tons to do (& learn)...I will try to post as I go along.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

I am planning to get started now too. In case I run into trouble I have some time to get some help!! It looks a little intimidating but I know when it is all done I will be proud! I just became friends with a woman through my sewing group here in Ft Worth who is retired and has been sewing for her whole life. I hope to use her as a tool if needed! Good Luck. Off to fabric shop this weekend. Wish you were here to go with me!